Hello. I'm Leanne. ​
I'm passionate about sharing the full spectrum of yoga, mindfulness, and self-compassion practices
because I have witnessed their profoundly positive impact on my own life.
As a child, I experienced numerous losses and traumas.
I did not have support systems in which to find refuge, guidance, and healing
so I carried these traumas into adulthood.
In my late 40s, Yoga became the safe space in which I could begin to accept myself,
with all my wounds and imperfections,
and treat my body, mind, heart, and spirit with care and kindness.
Yoga lead me to Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Grief work. ​
I'll be forever grateful for the healing I have experienced as a result of this path.
I'd love to share it with you if you could use support.
Leanne's Training / Credentials - ​​
2024 -
Certified Grief Educator -
David Kessler - Death & Grieving Expert / Author
2023 -
Certified Grief Movement Guide -
Paul Denniston - Grief Yoga
2023 - ​
Mindfulness Certification -
Yoga Renew Teacher Training
2022 -
Certified Holistic Coach -
Radiant Coaches Academy, (an ICF accredited program)
2021 -
Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher -
The (Deepak) Chopra Center
Yoga Teacher Training -​
2019 - YACEP -
Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider
(Additional hours of Yoga Teacher Training & Teaching hours,
qualifying me to teach yoga teachers)
Acknowledged by Yoga Alliance
2018 - E-RYT200 -
Experienced Yoga Teacher Designation
(Additional hours of Yoga Teacher Training + 1,000 additional hours of Teaching)
Acknowledged by Yoga Alliance
2016 - RYT500 -
300 Additional hours of Yoga Teacher Training
Acknowledged by Yoga Alliance
2012 - 200RYT -
Registered Yoga Teacher
(200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training)
Acknowledged by Yoga Alliance
​ Specialty yoga related areas Leanne has studied/received certifications within:
Restorative Yoga (Yoga Renew Certification; 2023)
Yoga for Osteoporosis / Bone Health (Yoga U Online; 2017, 2022)
Kids Yoga Certification (Baptiste Yoga; 2018)
Somatic Exercise Coach / Level 1 (Essential Somatics; 2016)
Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health (Yoga U Online; 2016)

Who am I?
Am I my roles? Am I my circumstances? Am I my accomplishments or perceived failures?
I do know, I’m a spiritual being, a student of Earth-school,
a female in my middle years, who’s learning to accept the realities of aging.
I am a mother of three adult children, whom I love with all my heart.
I am a survivor, healing from a lifetime of wounds.
I am a Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher
I share these practices because I wholeheartedly believe in their ability
to create health & well-being in Mind, Body & Spirit.
(E-RYT 200, RYT 500, YACEP)
I am a Certified Holistic Coach
As a coach, I'm here to listen, witness, support,
assist your self-exploration, and help guide you toward
a balanced healthy life experience.
I am a Songwriter
Songwriting was born out of my desire to heal from a lifetime of challenging circumstances.
I have written and recorded a few of my original songs, which you can find
on sites like Spotify and YouTube.
I am a Dancer
Dancing was my refuge as a child. I still find comfort and joy in moving to music.
I was a professional dancer for a few years and taught dance, (ballet, jazz, modern) for over 20 years.
I am a Nature Lover
I do what I can to care for the Earth and all her living beings.
I am a playful spirit
I Am